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About Swamiji

Sath Guruave Namah

Jagadguru Swami Sathyananda Saraswathi Tiruvadikal

Vigrahe Ramachandrasya Vilayee bhoota chetasaa
Aham Brahm"eti Vedanta Tatva bodha swaroopine
Vibhooti matra daanena Sarvaanugraha daayine
Sree Neelakanta Shishyaaya Sathyanandya Te Namah

Jagadguru Swami Sathyananda Saraswathi Tiruvadikal is one of the recent saints of the lineage of the Rishis of ancient Bharat.Bharat is the avataarabhoomi of the Lord himself.Swamiji was an Avataar of Lord Anjaneya, the Bhakt beyond Bhakti, the source of Gyaan, the swaroop of Lord Rama himself.Just as Lord Anjaneya merged his being into Lord Rama, Swamiji was fully merged in Lord Rama.Swamiji had immense knowledge about any aspect of literature, history,science, medicine, architecture- the list is unending.At the same time he cared for every creature be it human or animal or bird,with the love of the Divine Mother, Srilalithambika.His presence in the Human form was a source of immense joy for the Bhakt, he was a physician for the physicians,the guiding light and the destination for the Sadhak,the selfless servant of the needy and beyond all the Mokshadayaka Guru.

Swamiji's Guru Sree Neelakanta Gurupadar sent for him as swamiji was leaving for the Himalayas for Tapas and eventually made him the Madhathipathy of Sree Ramadasa Ashram, which he went on to establish as a worldwide society for the Sanathana Dharma.

Padapooja Blog Lalitha Sahasranamam Bhajans Mahasamaadhi


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