Hinduism is also considered to be a material science.The reason for calling it material science is because without life or Jeeva there cannot be a science and this thought process was first introduced by our great Hindu Acharyas and later carried forward by our ancestors.Our Acharyas were the greatest scientists. On one hand we have material science where matter can be split into electron ,positron,neutron econ,energy and on the other hand we have meta physical science ( Adhyatmika) which is related to Jeeva or life. Until the advent of Max Plank, scientists were of the opinion that if we give the same instruments to all scientists across the world and conduct the same scientific experiments, the results would be same.From Max Plank( who had discovered Quantum Theory) onwards the interpretation changed. Max Plank said "I regard consciousness as fundamental and matter as a derivative of it" Hindus should be proud of this statement because thi...
The teaching of Jagadguru Swami Sathyananda Saraswathi Tiruvadikal
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