The thought waves of previous births of all beings exist in the atmosphere.These thought waves are in the form of channels and life force of the respective person traverses through it during life and after death.During animal slaughter, powerful anti-waves are created in the atmosphere due to the merciless killing of a helpless animal.The atmosphere contains anti waves of the animals which are killed. A person who has slaughtered the animal or consumed the flesh , will be unable to overcome the anti-waves created during the willful slaughter of the helpless animal after death. In order to resist the anti-waves(these prevent the soul from rising from earth's atmosphere) his soul takes the form of the animal in the next birth. In the next birth the animal will become a human being and human being an animal . Here the new human slaughter's the new animal due to previous impressions.This cycle continues until one of them stops killing the other.During animal slaug...
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