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Showing posts from June, 2011

Importance of Annadanam from Swamiji's Padapooja book

Of all the Yajna Annadanam is considered one of the most important. Annad bhavanti bhutani (All living beings subsist on food grains).This sloka from Gita tells us how Annam is closely knit with all living beings. " ദദസ്വാന്നം ദദസ്വാന്നം  ദദസ്വാന്നം യുധിഷ്ഠിര:" The above  sloka from Bhavishya Purana tells  us to give annam as danam.Without Annam one cannot imagine the existence of nature itself. "അന്നമേവ മനുഷ്യാണാം പ്രാണാനാഹുര്‍ മനീഷിണ: " Annam is the life force(pranan) and life force is annam as told by great saints. Ramayanam also speaks about Annadanam done by King Dasaratha and Lord Sree Ram.Of all the Yajna conducted Annadanam is considered to be the most important one. "കാലെ വര്‍ഷതി പര്‍ജന്യ  സുഭിക്ഷം വിമലാ ദിശ:.." Annandanam should be conducted in abundance as told by Kula Guru Vashishta muni.Always maintain  equal respect for all the people who take part in Annadanam and do not differentiate people based on character,status etc.Annam shoul...